Von Kreisler & Cie. GmbH is an independent consultancy boutique with main focus on real estate and alternative asset classes, such as wind and solar energy. The company is owned by the three managing partners Tobias von Kreisler, Norman Matthes and Carsten Jäger.
We are furnishing tailored services in connection with transaction, restructuring and asset management as well as the provision of capacities for interim management (e.g. on-going fund and asset management) has become a significant part of our business.
Our transaction advisory services include asset sourcing and standard transaction services. Addtionally, in our experience, especially post-acquisition implementation and pre-disposition processes usually require significantly more resources than day-to-day asset management. To warehouse these peak-resources is rarely cost efficient for owners and asset managers.
Therefore one of our core competences is to provide flexible capacities for these intensive phases in order to discharge current staff and yet fully utilize hidden potentials for the maximization of investment performance.
Our competitive edge is a broad experience background covering the entire investment cycle of real estate investments (acquisition, structuring, asset management and dispositions) and the particular ability to take the owner perspective, as all partners of von Kreisler & Cie. GmbH have worked for leading fund / asset managers for many years. Also we are not only developing strategies, we are doing the actual operative work to implement them for our clients, e.g. negotiate with banks, tenants etc., to realise the added value of our services.
Our target clients are national and international asset owners and fund / asset managers, who require support due to special situation projects or transitional lack of in-house capacity.
For international investors we can provide on grounds presence and a broad professional network. Our regional focus is Germany and Europe, but we also have already dealt with investments overseas likewise.